Why You Need an Electrical Inspection When Buying a Home

Riverside Home Inspection

Usually, a person’s primary residence is their most valuable possession. Therefore, if you’re purchasing a new home, you must ensure you are getting your money’s worth. When buying a home, the vast majority of people have done some sort of professional building inspection. In most cases, however, this general inspection does not delve deeply into the home’s underlying components. Consequently, to make the most informed decision possible regarding your home purchase, you must conduct a thorough electrical inspection of the home you are considering. By having the home inspected by an experienced electrician, you can gain crucial insight into the home’s condition and any potential problems it may have with electrical wiring and fixtures. Therefore, today we will discuss why you need an electrical inspection when buying a home.

What an Electrical Inspection Consists of

Electrical problems are the most common problems discovered during a home inspection. As a result, electrical inspections are far more thorough than other types of assessments. During an electrical inspection, inspectors will examine all of the major electrical systems in the home. An electrician or a licensed engineer will check all electrical systems to ensure their integrity and safety. After the inspection is complete, they will provide you with a comprehensive Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). You may use this to see whether you (or the current homeowner) need to make any repairs. The following are examples of what an electrician would look at during an examination of the electrical system:

  • The circuit breaker panel – They will look at the circuit breaker or a residual current device (RCD) that trips the circuit.
  • The wires and cables in the home – They will look at the type and condition of the wiring and the cables. They will look closely at the cable insulation for damage and moisture accumulations. They will also check for signs of rodent activity
  • The electrical outlets – They will check all the outlets to ensure they are free of exposed live parts such as protruding screws or nails and any potential hazards such as an exposed wire.
  • The fixtures – Inspectors will look at appliances that use electricity and are permanently affixed to a building. This includes electric showers and ventilation fans, etc.

A simple electrical inspection can guarantee the health and safety of your electrical system. Furthermore, issues with your electrical system, such as power outages or frequent tripping, might also cost you a lot of money. Therefore, don’t wait to hire reputable professionals to assist you with a home inspection as soon as possible.

The Advantage of an Electrical Inspection When Buying a Home

Scheduling an electrical examination before closing the deal on a new home will put the onus of verifying the safety of the property’s wiring and outlets squarely on the seller. However, if you choose not to have an inspection, the responsibility will fall on your shoulders. Yes, you can buy a home warranty and hope for the best, but if you conduct a home inspection first, you’ll have peace of mind and money in your pocket. As a result, more and more people are becoming aware of the advantages of getting an electrical inspection before buying a home.

According to the experts at Mod Movers Monterey CA, the annual rate of home inspections has been steadily rising. These days there is a review process for almost all home purchases. If you’re the buyer who thoroughly researches properties before making an offer, having an electrician check out the home before you sign the final paperwork might save you tens of thousands of dollars. And as we’ve mentioned, It can also save you from worrying about a faulty electrical system. An authorized inspector will check the integrity of the home’s electrical system as a whole.

Assists in Discerning Frequent Electrical Issues

If you’re looking to hire a home inspector, you should verify that they do a full electrical inspection to identify potentially hazardous conditions. Once you’ve bought a house, fixing them might be pretty costly. The inspector has to find any contractor or prior DIY homeowner who set up the electrical faults. Also, the inspector has to look for worn-out electrical wiring and parts. Some of the most frequent electrical issues in homes are: 

  1. Unsafe electrical wiring 
  2. Worn out electrical plugs and sockets
  3. Unsafe electrical fixtures
  4. Poor insulation of wires or cables

Eliminates the Need for Additional Fixes Down the Road

An electrical inspection before purchasing a home is beneficial for many reasons. The main reason, however, is that it allows you to see all of the electrical issues that a home may have. Once you know what problems come with the house, you can decide whether to buy it or not; or, if you want to proceed with the purchase, what repairs you may need to make later on. Whatever you decide, having this information will be beneficial.

Allows You to Negotiate a Better Price

Home inspections have always been suitable for estimating a home’s worth. If you find electrical issues with the home you wish to purchase, it can help you get a better deal. If necessary, you can ask the seller to make the repairs or lower the asking price. On the other hand, as a result of what the electrical examination reveals, you may decide not to buy the house after all. You shouldn’t buy a place with significant safety concerns unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on electrical repairs to bring the structure up to code.

Only once you have done this should you consider buying a home and hiring residential movers. That being said, if you ensure that the home you’re relocating into is safe, moving into your new home will feel even better. And since a helpful team can jump in at any time and bring your belonging in, you don’t have to worry about this step either.

Now go and Schedule Electrical Inspection When Buying a Home